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Sports climbing center Skala Olimp

Olympic Sports Climbing Center

Th Olimp sports club invites children aged 6 to 15 to take part in sport climbing.

The sports center is equipped with a special climbing wall imitating rocks, 16 meters high, which is currently the best climbing wall in Kazakhstan. 

At your choice of tracks with difficulty from category 5A to 7C.

Separate gym for general physical training, there is a locker room, shower and sauna.

The team of the sports club includes both beginners and international level athletes.

There are three levels of training - group A, group B and group Olimp train according to personal training plans in accordance with personal physical capabilities.
The coaching staff has personal experience in sport climbing and coaching experience with children and athletes.

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Olympic Sports Climbing Center
" Olimp"

The Skala Olimp sports club invites children aged 6 to 15 to take part in sport climbing.

The sports center is equipped with a special climbing wall imitating rocks, 16 meters high, which is currently the best climbing wall in Kazakhstan. 

At your choice of tracks with difficulty from category 5A to 7C.

Separate gym for general physical training, there is a locker room, shower and sauna.

The team of the sports club includes both beginners and international level athletes.

There are three levels of training - group A, group B and group Olimp train according to personal training plans in accordance with personal physical capabilities.
The coaching staff has personal experience in sport climbing and coaching experience with children and athletes.

Фестиваль Хан Тенгри 2003 (8).jpg

Альпинизм - цель взойти на вершину.

Пик Хан Тенгри самая высокая гора в Казахстане, высота ее, включая "снежную шапку" на вершине составляет 7010 метров над уровнем моря.

Категория сложности маршрутов восхождения, от 5Б классический маршрут до 6Б по стене.

Горный фестиваль Хан Тенгри

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Скалолазание - это лазание по скалам с использованием страховочной веревки, которая обеспечивает 100% безопасности.

основное наше место для лазания по скалам это урочище реки Или скалы Тамгалы Тас, изветсные также как Тамбалы Тас и наскальными рисунками 13 го века.


Спортивное лазание в закрытых помещениях на скалодромах имитирущие скальный природный рельеф. 

Спортивное лазание получило в настоящее время большую популярность, ежегодно организуются Кубки и Чемпионаты Мира и Азии, также данный вид внесен в состав Олимпийских игр.

Для детей регулярно организуются соревнвоания на скалодромах Казахстана в Алматы, Шымкенте и Караганды.


Olympic Sports Climbing Center " Olimp"

The Skala Olimp sports club invites children aged 6 to 15 to take part in sport climbing.

The sports center is equipped with a special climbing wall imitating rocks, 16 meters high, which is currently the best climbing wall in Kazakhstan. 

At your choice of tracks with difficulty from category 5A to 7C.

Separate gym for general physical training, there is a locker room, shower and sauna.

The team of the sports club includes both beginners and international level athletes.

There are three levels of training - group A, group B and group Olimp train according to personal training plans in accordance with personal physical capabilities.
The coaching staff has personal experience in sport climbing and coaching experience with children and athletes.

Olympic Sports Climbing Center

В спортивном лазании существует три вида:
Трудность – это технически сложное и физически трудное лазание по 15 - 25 метровой отрицательно наклонной стене, категория сложности трассы от 5а до 9с 

Ориентировочная вовлеченность в данные вид составляет около 20% любителей и спортсменов

Olympic Sports Climbing Center

В спортивном лазании существует три вида:
Трудность – это технически сложное и физически трудное лазание по 15 - 25 метровой отрицательно наклонной стене, категория сложности трассы от 5а до 9с 

Members of the Skala Olimp sports club are world-class athletes


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Beknur Altynbekov (6)_edited.jpg

Children from preschool age are admitted to the school, depending on the level of the physical condition of the child, appropriate complexes of physical exercises are provided. After initial training, young athletes take part in club and city competitions. Competitions are one of the most important tools for raising confidence in public speaking and demonstrating personal capabilities in children.

On Sundays, holidays and vacation days, we organize a collective departure of the group for rock climbing training with an overnight stay in tents on the rocks of Tamgaly Tas of the tract of the Ili River

Tamgly Tas

Skala Olimp sports center trainers


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Khaibullina Aisholpan, Candidate Master of Sports, coach of SDUSHOR 8


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Champions keep playing until they succeed.

- Billie Jean King

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