Khaibullin Rishat Rinatovich was born on September 21, 1995, in Almaty, international class master of sports in sport climbing.
He began to engage in sports climbing at the age of 6 in Almaty.
Sports experience
3rd place - Speed - Asian Beach Games, Phuket, 2014
1st place - Relay - Beach Asian Games, Phuket, 2014
2nd place - Bouldering - Czech Cup, Ostrava, 2017
3rd place - Difficulty - Czech Championship, Prague, 2017
3rd place – Speed – Czech Championship, Brno, 2017
2nd place - Bouldering - Czech Cup, Jablonec nad Nisou, 2018
4th place - All-around - Asian Games, Palembang, 2018
3rd place - Speed - Championship of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2019
1st place - Bouldering - Championship of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2019
1st place - Difficulty - Championship of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2019
1st place - All-around - Championship of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 2019
3rd place - All-around - World Championship, Tokyo, 2019 (Olympic License)
3rd place - Bouldering - Czech Cup, Jablonec nad Nisoy, 2019
3rd place - Relay - Asian Championship, Jakarta, 2019
11th place - Difficulty - World Cup, Briancon, 2020
3rd place - Bouldering - Czech Championship, Slany, 2020
11th place - Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games
Master of sports of international class, student of the Technical University of Brno.
From 2007 to the present day, he has been training under the guidance of personal trainer Khaibullin Rinat Rashitovich (ZT, Almaty).